The Rod

This story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to people or places is coincidental.

Please let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks for reading!

Hi! My name is Logan. It's still Logan, I liked my name and it still fit so I kept it after the changes, less paperwork, y'know? Anyways my story is simple but it sounds outrageous, you don't have to believe me, but I swear it happened to me just like this one day last month, a Wednesday actually.

I get home from my morning job to grab a shower and some lunch before my evening job as a server at Duke's (You probably don't know Duke's it's this little place in my hometown, amazing waffles.) Anyways, so I walk up to my door and there is a random package there with my address on it, super weird because I hadn't ordered anything, I was waiting until weekend tips to make an online order.

So I grab the package and go inside my cozy apartment. It's small, one "bedroom", tiny bathroom, and a kitchen/dining room/living room, basically just a man-cave. Overall not bad for what I pay in rent. My place is pretty empty, I left most of my junk at my mom's, I'll go back and get it when I have more space... and time.

Me, Mr. 50 (that's my tv), and my microwave (it doesn't have a name... Spinny McBurns-rice, if I had to make one up though), we spend a lot of time together. I hadn't planned today to be any different than usual; heat some taquitos and rice (yah, burnt rice), watch some tv, then shower. However I was really dirty after work today, so I fix that before eating.

After my shower I dry off and decide to chill on the couch for a sec. I love being naked. If I could be naked all the time I totally would be. Then I caught a glimpse of the package I got earlier and it was making me seriously scratch my head. I lean over and grab it to get a closer look.

The package is as basic as can be, brown box, plain label... The return address is the same as my address though. I guess they really wanted me to get this. So I slide my nail along the tape on top enough to bust it open, and I pull out what has to be the most elegant box I've ever seen. It's a pink box with a black lid, it's got lace, and ribbon, and trim all over it. It's so nicely presented that I swear the box is glowing.

My belly has butterflies and my mind is racing as I start untying ribbons to take the lid off. What is in this? Who on earth would send me something wrapped like this? I've not even given this address to like, anyone... What could possibly be in this box?!

I finally get the last silver ribbon untied (untying knots isn't something I'm great at, especially when I'm this excited), and I lift the lid off slowly. I tilt my head a bit and stare at this... rod. I try to understand what I'm looking at exactly and the words just kinda come to my mind; smooth, soft, curvy, pink, shiny, sexy, captivating. That's what it is. A pink (is it beaming?) rod. It's about 10" long and so elegantly... feminine.

Smooth, soft, curvy, pink, shiny, sexy, captivating. I think about it's description in my head over and over for what seems like an eternity, then I finally decide to touch it. Does it feel as smooth as it looks?

I run my fingers down the rod slowly. Getting to touch something so intriguing sends a chill up my spine. It's so, so smooth. It's like it has no imperfections at all. I wrap my hand around the pink rod and a wild thought comes to my mind, "touch the rod to my skin, I want to be smooth too."

I pick it up and slowly bring it to my ankle and drag the smooth rod up my calf. "This is kinda weird, what am I even doing?" I say out loud to myself. Then I rub my fingers along my leg where the rod touched and let out a loud gasp. My skin is so smooth... Smooth like the mysterious rod, no hair at all. I rub my smooth calf back and forth. It feels so different, so new. I want it all over me!

I grab the rod and start rubbing it all over my skin; anywhere I can think of that may be hairy. I let out a loud moan as I feel myself becoming more like the rod, so smooth. I get my legs, feet, belly, chest, back, shoulders, armpits, arms and hands. I look down at the hair around my junk. I would have been afraid to shave there, I think. I'm a tad clumsy. The rod makes it so easy though. I rub the pink rod around my waist watching the hairs just disappear, then slowly move it all around until everything is smooth.

Once I get rid of all my body hair I reach up to scratch my chin. Do I want my face smooth too? I've worked for months to get my beard just how I like it... Then I run my hand up and down the rod. Smooth, soft, curvy, pink, shiny, sexy, captivating. "Yes, I want all the smoothness." I think to myself. Then I rub the rod along my jawline and under my nose removing the last bits of unwanted hair. "Perfectly smooth." I say to myself and sigh happily.

My attention is suddenly drawn back to the rod, and I run my hand up it. Not only is it smooth, but it's so soft. It feels so delicate. It's like perfectly polished glass, but squishable at the same time. "If only I could be that soft." I think to myself. Then almost without meaning to I begin to rub the pink rod over my arms once more.

Once I finish with one arm I feel it to see if anything changed. I can't help but say, "whoa!" outloud. My skin is incredibly soft, and my hard muscles underneath feel like they aren't there anymore. I squeeze my arm again and feel it slide like butter. "Gotta be soft like the rod." I think to myself as I begin rubbing this special gift all over the rest of me.

I finish everything above my waist and when I get to my package I get a little worried... What will it do to me? I have to admit, this whole episode has me turned on. So I'm quite hard. The rod is soft though, so I should be too. I rub it up and down my shaft and I watch it become soft and flaccid. It feels so good, better than any time I've jacked off. I'm not any less turned on, just don't have my normal hardon.

Once I finish my waist, legs and feet I just sit on the couch for a few minutes rubbing myself all over and occasionally feeling the rod. I match so much better now; I'm smooth and soft. Then I look at the rod and my eyes trace the curve of it. Curvy... That's just what I need next. I need to be curvy.

At this point I don't feel like a stranger to how this works, so I start to rub the rod up my legs. I'm still shocked though that it actually does something. My calves become a bit thicker... And maybe shorter? They aren't straight sticks like before, they have some shape.

I keep rubbing the rod up my thighs until I get to my waist. Once there I nearly drop the rod on the floor. (Though I totally wouldn't because it's too remarkable for that.) A massive spike of pleasure shoots through my body as my hips widen and my butt bulges out. I stop and run my fingers along my new curves and shudder with happiness. I love being more like the rod.

I slide the rod up my stomach to my chest and immediately the same thing happens there as my waist. My breasts just explode into being and I blank out from how good it feels. I sit in a daze for a few minutes thinking about how lucky I am to have all this happen to me. I still don't know where this rod came from, but I'm glad someone sent it to me.

After a few minutes I finish my arms, then move on to my face. After everything I feel all over myself, now I'm smooth, soft, and curvy. My face has become so rounded, and I have such a nice figure and pouty lips. I love my new curves.

I look at the rod and it's glowing pink color. It's so pretty, so dainty. I need to be like that. Not big and flaccid, but pink. I pick up the rod gently and bring it closer and closer to my limp tool. Shaking with excitement and nervousness I touch the tip to mine.

Nothing instant and explosive happens this time though. The only thing that happens is that a small wave of pleasure washes over me, and I get a little smaller down there. I keep contact though and start rubbing the rod up and down my soft member. I moan softly and close my eyes.

I let myself get lost in the pleasure of it and just keep rubbing. After what feels like three hours I open my eyes. It's really only been about ten minutes. I look down though and lift the rod from me. I let out a small gasp as I look at my crotch.

There's nothing there. It's completely flat. Nothing sticking out at all, my balls are gone, it's just blank, like a doll. There may be a tiny pee hole, but I don't have a mirror to check, and something tells me I'm not finished. I don't want to be flat, I want to be pink.

I touch the rod to me again and start circling the area. I watch to see small changes happening, but I don't feel like this is enough. I get up from my couch and make my way to my bed. My bed that used to seem so normal sized now seems huge to my curvy and soft frame. I guess I'm shorter now.

I hop on my bed and grab my pillow. I set the pillow in the middle of the bed and lay the rod on top of it. I lean over and straddle the pillow and lower myself until the rod is touching me. The pleasure is back and I can't help but rock my hips and grind myself on the rod.

I let out a small whimper and I hear myself say, "ooooh gahh!" I let myself get lost in the moment, humping the pink rod feeling it change me to a matching pink. I close my eyes again and grind until my legs feel like they can't take anymore.

Something finally happens after grinding for nearly an hour; I shake all over and the need to grind stops. I stand up and grab the rod (my new favorite thing in the world) and I walk over to my mirror.

I look and slide my hand down my tight tummy and smooth waist to a pair of soft, pink pussy lips. The signs of my former manhood are completely gone, replaced by this. I inspect closer and rub my hand over them and pull them apart to see my hole.

I wonder if I should stick something in there, but my eye is drawn to the rod in the mirror. It's so shiny! It's already made me smooth, soft, curvy, and pink. Now I need to be shiny.

I don't know what that means though, so I flop on the bed and stare at my hands. My hands look so cute and dainty, but they need something. I gasp and shout out loud, "nail polish. Shiny nail polish!"

I grab the rod excitedly and touch it to my left thumb nail. Instantly it's the glossiest pink I've ever seen, the same exact color as the rod. Already dry even. I giggle excitedly and touch it to all my fingernails. I hold my hands out in front of me. "So much shine!" I say to myself. Then I reach down and do all my toenails.

I hop back up and pose in front of the mirror some. Then I look up at my short hair. That could use some shine too. I bring the rod to my hair, not sure what's gonna happen, and pop! It's suddenly blonde with a bit of pink. Still so short though.

I begin pulling my hair and trying to wrap it around the rod as if it was a curler. As I do I'm shocked to see my hair getting longer and coming out in big long curls. I smile at the changes, knowing I shouldn't be surprised by the rod at this point.

I work all my hair out, gently tugging and curling until all my hair is down past my shoulders, bright blonde with it's pink stripe in front. Perfect hair! Now I need the makeup to match.

If this is anything like the other steps, this is going to be so easy. I take my favorite thing and start lightly touching my cheeks and forehead, watching my skin start looking so dewy and shiny. I rub it up and down my nose and jawline and it makes my whole face look even softer.

Once my skin looks nice I close one eye and softly drag the end of the rod over my eyelid. I watch my eye become a blend of a bright pink faded to a pale nude color and a perfect wing. I lift the rod and bat my eye, noticing my long lashes. I smile big and repeat the process with my other eye.

I blow myself a kiss in the mirror and notice my lips need some shine too. I bring the rod up to my lips and rub it around my lips, seeing the bright pink gloss appear in the mirror. I lift the rod from my lips for a brief second, but return it shortly after and give it a small kiss.

I blush seeing myself in the mirror then walk back over to my bed. "Thank you so much I feel so good now," I say to the inanimate object in my hands. I can't help but kiss it again. It's just soooo sexy.

I rub the rod on my lips again and slowly part my lips with a loud moan. My deep rough voice all that's left of Logan the man. I need... To be sexy like the rod. I need my voice to be different.

I slide the rod further in my mouth and let out a slightly different moan. It's my voice, yet, not my voice. I want more of it; more change, more of the rod. I wrap my lips around it and start rubbing my tongue along it.

I start pushing the rod deeper then pulling it out, moaning more and more. Hearing my voice get higher pitched each time. The rod is making me sexy. I start sucking gently, wanting it to touch my voice box and change me.

I keep going deeper and deeper, my moans and squeaks getting louder and louder. Until I finally, in my need, I jam the rod in and hit the back of my throat. I gag suddenly and yank the rod out panting.

I open my mouth and let my voice fill the room, "oh my, simply delicious!" My voice is so different now. Sultry and feminine. I look down at my body. "Looks like I need one final touch!" I say excitedly, loving my voice.

I take the rod and gently rub it up my legs as I feel a pair of sheer stockings cover them. Then up to my waist for a garter and some pink lacy panties. Then up to my breasts for a pink matching bra with cut out nipples and black lace. The whole look fits perfectly together.

I purr at myself in the mirror and say, "oh hun, if that ain't sexy, nothing is." Then I look at the rod and say out loud as I rub my body up and down, "smooth, soft, curvy, pink, shiny, sexy, and captivating."

I hold the rod in front of me and run my finger down it, my pink nail grazing it lightly. As I do I feed a need deep in my tummy. A need I've never felt before. I need the rod... In me.

I lay back on my bed and gently stroke and play with the rod, thinking of how much pleasure it's brought me so far. "Captivating, huh? You certainly are," I say to it as I feel my need growing. I touch the rod to my tummy and my need intensifies even more.

I drag it up my body and over my breasts as tiny pulses of pleasure fill me. I pull the bra down and start circling my nipples with the yummy item that has brought me so much joy today. I can't hold back my moans any longer and soon my voice matches the waves filling me; quivering with desire and anticipation.

My need finally gets too great and I slide my pink panties to the side and start rubbing the rod up and down my pink lips. The feelings are so electric, so magnetic... Forceful and unstoppable. I'm drawn to it, I yearn for it.

My pleasure has caused my new pussy to get wet so I dip the rod in my juices and feel a new kind of pleasure. A small satisfaction. My special gift that came from nowhere, addressed to me... Needs me too.

I slide the tip along my lips and push a little deeper. It slides along so easily, so smooth. I push deeper, it's as if it melts as it goes in me, so soft.

I push deeper and reach the bend, and it turns up into my hole, so curvy. I look down, halfway there pushing deeper. My pussy taking the feminine rod, so pink.

I see my juices on my hand, on my legs, on the rod, so shiny. I push it so much deeper. I let out a sharp whimper so sensual and high pitched as I revel in filling myself with this object of my desire, so sexy.

I push it as deep as I can and shudder softly. So filling, so captivating. It's as if all I've ever needed is this, and this is the most satisfying thing that I've ever felt. I moan and whimper continuously as I begin working the rod in and out of my pussy.

Something in the back of my mind tells me this is it, if I continue then there's no going back. I push harder, happy to lose my old self, leave him behind. I embrace my future with all I am as I wrap both hands around the rod.

The sounds of the rod sliding in and out of me intensify as I work it harder, my moans peaking in time with each thrust. I start to feel something welling up inside me; something intense and primal.

I press on with more vigor. Sensing the satisfaction of the rod building. We both need to keep going. "Oh yesss make me cum!" I shout as I plunge it deep into me. My muscles start tensing up all over as I keep my arms moving.

I roll over on my side and close my legs and bend them up around my chest as my arms still go between and I keep pounding myself with the almost-glowing rod.

I start cooing uncontrollably, then I shove it in and hold it there as every muscle in my body tenses up. Suddenly release bursts through me from my pussy outward.

Waves of pleasure dance across my tummy, up my soft breasts. They tweak my hard nipples, and my painted nails shudder and shake. I gasp with a voice so dainty, and my glossy lips part and drool. My false eyelashes flutter and my blonde hair stands on end as the waves crash on me. As the rod slips from my grasp, another wave hits, and travels down my smooth, curvy legs. My feet shake and I curl up into a ball of bliss.

A few minutes later I awaken and stretch. I feel for my new favorite thing, but it's gone! "Oh no, please no!" I shout as I jump up and look all around the bed. I then go look for the package, and say, "maybe I put it there without thinking." It's gone too! The whole package and box and ribbons and all! Gone?!

Was it real? I run to look at myself in the mirror, my boobs bouncing, I see my body in the mirror. Smooth, soft, curvy, pink, shiny, sexy, and captivating. The rod gave me it's gift. Changed me, then left me... For good.

And that was how it happened. I went from Logan the dorky guy to Logan the sexbomb. I still work at Duke's, my tips are outrageous though, I bought Ms. 80 to play my games on now, and a new microwave... It still burns rice, but y'know, some things in life just aren't magic... While others are.

If you ever get a mysterious package just remember that curiosity may kill some men, but it might just make a new woman too.


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